[manjaro-general] Manjaro Update 2016-01-05 (stable)
Manjaro Linux
jonathon at manjaro.org
Tue Jan 5 01:00:00 CET 2016
We are happy to announce our **second update** for Manjaro 15.12 (Capella)!
Packages of the new major version of PHP have been released into all our repositories. Besides the new [PHP 7 features][1] there are the following packaging changes. In general the package configuration is now closer to what was intended by the PHP project. Also refer to the [PHP 7 migration guide][2] for upstream improvements.
Removed packages
* php-pear
* php-mssql
* php-ldap: The module is now included in the php package
* php-mongo: The new php-mongodb might provide an alternative even though it is not a compatible drop-in replacement
* php-xcache: Consider using the included [OPcache][3] and optionally [APCu][4] for user data cache
* graphviz: The PHP bindings had to be removed
New packages
* php-apcu-bc: Install and enable this module if the apc_* functions are needed
* php-mongodb
Configuration changes
* open_basedir is no longer set by default
* openssl, phar and posix extensions are now built in
* php-fpm does no longer provide a logrotate configuration. Instead syslog/journald is used by default
* php-fpm’s service file does no longer set PrivateTmp=true
* The configuration and module of php-apache have been renamed to php7_module.conf and libphp7.so
Beside the PHP 7 changes we also added some fixes to Plasma 5 OpenRC, Deepin, Budgie and Bumblebee. Some additional fixes went into our graphical installers.
We fixed [a bug in grub][5], updated the kernel to 4.4-rc8, added some new haskell packages and python packages plus renewed the linux firmware.
Archlinux upstream fixes are now from: Tue Jan 5 09:22:24 CET 2016.
It is always good to check for updated packages, even we don’t notify you about them. As usual people using our testing branch will help us to get snaps over to our branch almost smoothly. For notifications on daily bases please take a look at our [mailing list][6].
Please give us feedback and report any findings with this update.
Kind regards, Philip Müller and the Manjaro Development Team
* * *
## Current supported kernels
* Linux310 3.10.94
* Linux312 3.12.51
* Linux313
* Linux314 3.14.58
* Linux316
* Linux318 3.18.25
* Linux319
* Linux41 4.1.15
* Linux42 4.2.8
* Linux43 4.3.3
* Linux44 4.4-rc8
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## Package changes
* community i686: 385 new and 362 removed package(s)
* community x86_64: 384 new and 361 removed package(s)
* core i686: 14 new and 14 removed package(s)
* core x86_64: 14 new and 14 removed package(s)
* extra i686: 180 new and 188 removed package(s)
* extra x86_64: 180 new and 188 removed package(s)
* multilib x86_64: 7 new and 8 removed package(s)
* * *
## Links
* [Talk about this update][7]
* [Changelog][8]
[1]: http://php.net/archive/2015.php#id2015-12-03-1
[2]: http://php.net/manual/en/migration70.php
[3]: http://php.net/opcache
[4]: https://www.archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/php-apcu/
[5]: https://forum.manjaro.org/index.php?topic=29722.0
[6]: https://lists.manjaro.org/pipermail/manjaro-packages/
[7]: https://forum.manjaro.org/index.php?topic=29821.0
[8]: https://lists.manjaro.org/pipermail/manjaro-packages/Week-of-Mon-20160104/005491.html
URL: https://manjaro.github.io/Update-2016-01-05_(stable)/
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