[manjaro-general] Manjaro Cinnamon Edition 15.12 released

Manjaro Linux jonathon at manjaro.org
Sat Dec 26 01:00:00 CET 2015


After some developing a month and testing the up coming ISO build’s, stable Cinnamon ISO is there !

Cinnamon 2.8 contains a lot improvement to the cinnamon build. Some improvements summed-up:

  * Better applets
  * Visual improvements
  * Better settings
  * Better window management
  * Better backend
  * Performance improvements
  * Nemo improvements

Further Team Manjaro & co improved Calamares and fixed some bugs to make it ready for this installation. Manjaro-tools get improved. And many more!

## This ISO contains further in a blink

  * cinnamon 2.8.6-1
  * eog 3.18.1-1
  * evince 3.18.2-2
  * firefox 43.0.1-2
  * flashplugin
  * galculator 2.1.4-1
  * gedit 3.18.2-1
  * gnome-system-monitor 3.18.2-2
  * gnome-terminal 3.18.2-1
  * gparted 0.24.0-1.1
  * jre8-openjdk 8.u66-1
  * libreoffice-still 4.4.7-2
  * lightdm 1:1.16.6-2
  * linux41 4.1.15-1
  * maia-icon-theme 0.5.5-1
  * manjaro-settings-manager 0.4.13-1
  * nemo 2.8.6-1
  * pacman 4.2.1-4.1
  * pamac 2.4.3-3
  * plymouth-theme-manjaro-extra-elegant 1.0-2
  * pragha 1.3.3-1
  * pulseaudio 7.1-3
  * systemd 228-3
  * vertex-themes 20150923-1
  * vlc 2.2.1-11
  * yaourt 1.7-1

I hope you enjoy our release!

Kind regards, Ringo de Kroon - Maintainer

* * *

## Links

  * [Forum post][2]
  * [Download here][3]

   [1]: https://manjaro.github.io/images/manjaro-cinnamon-15.12.jpg
   [2]: https://forum.manjaro.org/index.php?topic=29009.0
   [3]: https://sourceforge.net/projects/manjarolinux/files/community/Cinnamon/2015.12/

URL: https://manjaro.github.io/Manjaro-Cinnamon-15.12-released/

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