[manjaro-general] Manjaro-Fluxbox released

Manjaro Linux jonathon at manjaro.org
Sun Aug 30 02:00:00 CEST 2015


The Manjaro Community is proud to present our new Fluxbox Edition.

This aims to present a really fully featured release, complete with office- and multimedia-applications ready to use OOTB with a preconfigured menu for pretty much everything. The AwOken-iconset (coloured, white and dark) takes up some diskspace, too, but I think those icons are really beautifully designed and extraordinarily complete. Therefor the ISOs are not so small ( >1GB ) but anyway it remains a light and extremely fast system.

## New features and enhancements

  * kernel 4.1
  * Pamac
  * Manjaro-Settings-Manager
  * Pcmanfm
  * Lxterminal
  * Palemoon
  * Claws-mail
  * Hexchat
  * Abiword, Mousepad, Nano
  * Gnumeric, Galculator
  * Pinta, Gpicview, Nitrogen, Qpdfview
  * Pulseaudio, Lxmusic, VLC media-player
  * Scrot
  * Gparted
  * manjaro-printer
  * Wbar, Fluxbox-Menu
  * Clipit, Cbatticon, nm-applet, pa-applet, Oblogout with OutMok-theme
  * AwOken-icon-theme, new custom ‘manjaro-flux’-theme, Compton
  * yaourt, base-devel

As usual, this release comes with our advanced graphical installer **Thus** aswell as our **CLI-installer**. Default kernel is **linux41**. **Stable** branch was used to create these install medias.

Please give us feedback and report any issues with this release.

kind regards Bernhard Landauer, Maintainer Manjaro-Fluxbox

* * *

## Links

  * [Forum post][2]
  * [Download here][3]

   [1]: https://manjaro.github.io/images/manjaro-fluxbox-
   [2]: https://forum.manjaro.org/index.php?topic=25665.0
   [3]: http://sourceforge.net/projects/manjarolinux/files/community/Fluxbox/2015.08/

URL: https://manjaro.github.io/Manjaro-Fluxbox-

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