[manjaro-general] Manjaro Update 2015-05-17 (stable)

Manjaro Linux jonathon at manjaro.org
Sun May 17 02:00:00 CEST 2015

We are happy to announce our **ninth** update for Manjaro 0.8.12.

We are getting really close to our next stable release. Therefor we released [Manjaro 0.8.13-rc1][1] today. Most changes went into our graphical installer Thus and our tools. With this update we have new Kernels, Gnome 3.16.2, KDE Apps 15.04.1, Libreoffice 4.4.3 Calligra 2.9.4 and a more fixed QT 5.4.1. Also Virtualbox is now at 4.3.28. Steam got updated to (Native client might not work).

As normal, this update includes also regular Archlinux upstream fixes (Sun May 17 09:40:06 CEST 2015).

Please give us feedback and report any findings with this update.

Kind regards, Philip Müller and the Manjaro Development Team

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## Current supported kernels

  * Linux310 3.10.78
  * Linux312 3.12.42
  * Linux313
  * Linux314 3.14.42
  * Linux316
  * Linux318 3.18.13
  * Linux319 3.19.8
  * Linux40 4.0.3

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## Package changes

  * community i686: 429 new and 405 removed package(s)
  * community x86_64: 431 new and 407 removed package(s)
  * core i686: 47 new and 45 removed package(s)
  * core x86_64: 47 new and 45 removed package(s)
  * extra i686: 1089 new and 1076 removed package(s)
  * extra x86_64: 1089 new and 1076 removed package(s)
  * multilib x86_64: 9 new and 9 removed package(s)

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## Links

  * [Talk about this update][2]
  * [Changelog][3]

   [1]: https://manjaro.github.io/Manjaro-0.8.13-rc1-released/
   [2]: https://forum.manjaro.org/index.php?topic=22848.0
   [3]: https://lists.manjaro.org/pipermail/manjaro-packages/Week-of-Mon-20150511/003282.html

URL: https://manjaro.github.io/Update-2015-05-17_(stable)/

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