[manjaro-general] 1st Release Candidate of Manjaro LXDE 0.8.9 available!

Manjaro Linux | Manjaro Linux: Manjaro Team j.fernyhough at gmail.com
Sun Jan 26 11:19:49 CET 2014

[![lxde089rc1][1]][2]We are happy to announce our first release candidiate of Manjaro LXDE 0.8.9.

LXDE is a super-lightweight desktop environment that is very similar to XFCE, with the exception that it is not compatible with Compiz. As with XFCE, LXDE is also a somewhat basic desktop environment, lacking some modern features that would be expected, such as a search-bar to find applications and files. However, it is also an excellent choice for less powerful computers, as a 64 bit installation of Manjaro running LXDE uses only about 150MB of memory.

**Package Updates**

  * linux310 3.10.27-1
  * systemd 208-10
  * pamac 0.9.6-2
  * mhwd 0.3.2-1
  * thus 0.8.9rc1-1
  * manjaro-settings-manager 0.1.3-3
  * lxappearance 0.5.5-1
  * lxappearance-obconf 0.2.1-1
  * lxde-common 0.5.5-3
  * lxde-icon-theme 0.5.0-1
  * lxdm 0.4.1-30
  * lxdm-manjaro-theme 20121105-1
  * lxinput 0.3.2-2
  * lxlauncher 0.2.2-5
  * lxmed 20120515-1
  * lxmenu-data 0.1.2-1
  * lxmusic 0.4.5-2
  * lxpanel 0.6.1-1
  * lxpolkit 0.1.0-3
  * lxrandr 0.1.2-3
  * lxsession 1:
  * lxshortcut 0.1.2-1
  * lxtask 0.1.4-4
  * lxterminal 0.1.11-2
  * latest drivers

* * *

[Download Manjaro 0.8.9 RC1 (LXDE i686 and x86_64)][3]  
[Discuss this release in our forum][4]

   [1]: http://manjaro.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/lxde089rc1-300x172.png
   [2]: http://manjaro.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/lxde089rc1.png (1st Release Candidate of Manjaro LXDE 0.8.9 available!)
   [3]: https://sourceforge.net/projects/manjarotest/files/0.8.9/rc1/lxde/
   [4]: http://forum.manjaro.org/index.php?topic=10327.0

URL: http://manjaro.org/2014/01/26/1st-release-candidate-of-manjaro-lxde-0-8-9-available/

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