[manjaro-dev] Are we ready for another stable update?

Philip Müller philm at manjaro.org
Sat Oct 6 21:09:10 CEST 2018

Hi you all,

we accomplished much in the last couple of weeks. Currently we have a
huge list of packages [1] in queue for our next stable release.

With the current theme fixes and the look overall, I'm pretty sure we
might be ready for another stable update with the current packages.

Do you still have some parts you want to add to one of the packages?

@Guillaume: I've tested Pamac-Dev on my end. Seems to be fine. I also
added it to beta9, so we may get some more feedback. If wanted, we can
push it with the next stable update after this one.

@Jonathon: I assume with Manjaro32 you already have pushed Gnome 3.30 to
your branch of Manjaro. Any regressions so far reported?

@Stefano: Seems we will get some fixes for Matcha. I already pushed the
XFCE updates to the testing branch. Looks like Vertex/Adapta now.

@Bernhard: I assume with Deepin all should be fine. Any nacks on the
approach to push another stable next week?

Best, Philip



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