[manjaro-dev] after a short absense, I'm back.

kendell clark coffeekingms at gmail.com
Fri Dec 9 17:37:51 CET 2016


He's looking for the 16.10-profiles branch, since that seems to be where 
a lot of the work is going. I've tried hear on git for windows, and no 
luck. I've got to be spelling something wrong.

Thanks for all you guys hard work, sonar would not be what it is without 
you guys. I haven't quit, I'm just crippled at the moment since the only 
manjaro machine I have access to is my wife's and she's in windows 10 a 
lot of the time, so I can only contribute to manjaro when she's asleep 
or not using it, and that's not often lol.


Kendell Clark

On 12/9/2016 10:34 AM, Mark Peveto wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Well, seems I need to update my branch in order to work on the Sonar 
> profiles, but I don't remember how to switch to the correct branch.  
> The branch I have still won't build the profiles. I tried git fetch, 
> and git checkout, but it says I'm up to date.  I'm sure I've got 
> syntax wrong somewhere. Some help would be definitely appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Mark Peveto
> Registered Linux user number 600552
> Everything happens after coffee!
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