[manjaro-dev] thus 0.9.5 still hangs in sonar install.

kendell clark coffeekingms at gmail.com
Mon Jun 20 09:27:42 CEST 2016

I can understand why you guys might want to depreciate the installer
since you guys probably use calamares exclusively now. But  us sonar
users have to use thus. It's the only accessible installer that manjaro
has available. I've run into an insermountable issue with calamares that
is preventing it from becoming accessible without a lot of work. Wich
the installer developers are prepared to do, but they don't know how
long it will take. Also, it will require cooperation from other people
who are not so willing. There seems to be some issue somewhere in the
tangled mess of things that have to work just right for accessibility to
work that prevents apps being run as root from being accessible unless
and only unless you're using gnome shell or unity. Somehow they get
around this. But even gnome shell can't make calamares accessible. If
you run calamares as your user, it's nearly completely accessible. But
calamares needs root privs to do most of it's work so the alternatives
are either to run calamares as root all the time or run the needed parts
using something like policy kit or pam. Which is naturally more work and
thus the calamares people are reluctant to do it. They think only a
handful of people are blind and so not much benefit. This is one of my
hot buttons, but I'm part of the manjaro organization and so I'm
determined to behave better. I've run into one developer who is willing
to do it, I can't remember his name off the top of my head, he's the guy
you pointed me to phil when I brought up the accessibility issues in
calamares. I've been banging my head against this wall for the past
couple of months. No one seems to know what's causing the problem. The
only way to make root apps accessible as root is to run sudo -E before
the command, which will preserve the environment. It's something in the
running environment but I can't figure out what. The insane thing is
that even this doesn't make calamares accessible.

Kendell Clark

Philip Müller wrote:
> Hi Matthew,
> this is a known upstream issue in Cnchi and Thus. The keyboard layout
> will be shown blank in Gnome. You have to go one page back and try again
> to display the page. Most likely there won't be a fix for it as we
> already thinking on depreciating the installer. When I've time I might
> look into it.
> greez
> Phil
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