[manjaro-dev] 32 bit espeak update needed

Bernhard Landauer oberon at manjaro.org
Sun Apr 24 13:26:01 CEST 2016

Hi Kendell!

It compiles fine for me. The only error I get at the end is
mv: cannot stat 
No such file or directory

That's just because the pkgver has not been updated and doesn't match 
the actual pkgname in the end ;) - It's something that still needs to be 
fixed in buildpkg imho.
To avoid that I always run 'makepkg -od' on the PKGBUILD before I build 
a git package ...

I'll push the package for you, since I've already built it now ;)

kind regards

On 24/04/16 12:53, kendell clark wrote:
> hi
> Well, that worked, but now there are errors in the build that are well
> over my head to fix. I'm going to need expert help. I don't understand
> what's going wrong but it's something in the build process of espeak,
> which for some reason didn't show up in the 64 bit version.
>   Can someone who's more experienced than I am take a look? Sorry to drop
> this on you guys but it's  almost 6 AM hear and I'm just about to sleep
> for the night. If no one's fixed it by the time I wake up of course i'll
> jump right on it, I don't want anyone thinking I expect you guys to drop
> everything or anything like that, just if you have time.
> Thanks
> Kendell Clark
> kendell clark wrote:
>> hi
>> Ok, my attempts to run the following command, buildpkg -p espeak -a i686
>> -s result in either  "error:
>> /var/lib/manjaro-tools/buildpkg/unstable/kendell does not appear to be a
>> manjaro  chroot" or "error: espeak is not a valid package or package
>> set". I'm probably missing something obvious, but I'm stuck for now.
>> Sorry for my ignorance. I did manage to solve the invalid chroot error
>> temporarily by issuing buildpkg -c for new chroot,  but the next time
>> buildpkg is started from a new terminal the error comes back. I'm stuck
>> on the invalid package or package set. Am I not supposed to issue the
>> command from the directory with the pkgbuild in it? Because that's where
>> I was.
>> Thanks
>> Kendell Clark
>> kendell clark wrote:
>>>   hi all
>>> I've just pushed out an update to our espeak package, there have been
>>> some new languages added and some improvements to existing languages,
>>> latvian being one. I tried to build a 32 bit package, but I can't seem
>>> to figure out how. Would someone mind building an updated espeak package
>>> for 32 bit systems? If no one has the time, are there instructions on
>>> how to build a package for a different architecture? I could follow
>>> those and upload one.
>>> Thanks
>>> Kendell Clark
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