[manjaro-dev] confusion over gconf settings

kendell clark coffeekingms at gmail.com
Fri Mar 25 15:16:11 CET 2016

Ok, I think I've gotten stuck again lol. I generated a pulseaudio-ctl
config file which was valid according to the manpage, but when I built
an image it didn't get applied. I then generated a desktop launcher that
would essential turn the volume up to 70 percent then exit, but the
image build process errored out because manjaro-live-skel already has
one. But why isn't the one in manjaro-live-skel being executed? Once
this and the volume keyboard shortcuts get sorted out I can finally
release the mate image.
Kendell Clark

kendell clark wrote:
> hi
> I don't believe it does work actually. I was just looking at that an
> hour ago. I don't know pulseaudio-ctl that well, but it looks like it
> should work. Have you had any luck with the volume keyboard shortcuts?
> The dconf stuff looks correct, but when I press them, the volume doesn't
> change.
> Thanks
> Kendell Clark
> Bernhard Landauer wrote:
>> Kendell have you checked if the volume setting in
>> $HOME/.config/pulseaudio-ctl/config works? It is currently set to 70%
>> - well, that should normally be enough. Maybe the syntax there needs
>> checking?
>> On 25/03/16 05:37, kendell clark wrote:
>>> hi
>>> Having tested our mate image, everything I reported has been fixed,
>>> except the keyboard shortcuts. I must've really screwed something up
>>> lol. When I press the volume down, up and mute shortcuts, nothing seems
>>> to happen. If I reassign them to a different keyboard shortcut and then
>>> press that shortcut, I seem to lose sound. I'm stumped. Would you mind
>>> looking into this, burnhard? Thank you so much for all your help, we're
>>> so close to being ready for release thanks to you.
>>> Thanks
>>> Kendell Clark
>>> kendell clark wrote:
>>>> hi
>>>> Thank you very much for all your help. I'm building an image now to
>>>> test. About the panel, I'm not sure what to do. The main menu applet
>>>> isn't there, even though in the layout file it's clearly there. This
>>>> isn't a huge problem since it still shows up when the right keypress is
>>>> pressed, but instead of being locked to the bottom left hand side of
>>>> the
>>>> screen it shows up all over the place lol. It's more of a cosmetic
>>>> thing. Do you know how I might increase the sound volume? It's quite
>>>> low, and I've gotten a lot of reports about that, but I don't know how
>>>> to fix it. I completely agree, we should keep our desktop settings
>>>> package in stable while it's being worked on, then move it to stable
>>>> once it's working.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Kendell Clark
>>>> Bernhard Landauer wrote:
>>>>> I've pushed a corrected version to all branches now, Kendell. Please
>>>>> try it.
>>>>> I am wondering about the panel settings... Have to not specified any
>>>>> customization or are they not working? I don't see a menu or active
>>>>> window listed and stuff like that!
>>>>> greetings Bernhard
>>>>> On 25/03/16 00:53, Bernhard Landauer wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Kendell!
>>>>>> I was able to find some errors in your overrides.
>>>>>> Some of the paths need to be without "desktop", so for example
>>>>>> org.mate.background instead of org.mate.desktop.background, and so
>>>>>> on.
>>>>>> Also the string values nees single quotes.
>>>>>> I will correct everything I found and then push it to
>>>>>> desktop-settings and build the package again.
>>>>>> I will notify you when it's ready - maybe lets try it first in
>>>>>> unstable and the when it is fine we'll push it on.
>>>>>> greetings
>>>>>> Bernhard
>>>>>> On 24/03/16 21:08, Bernhard Landauer wrote:
>>>>>>> I will build your profile and have a look later tonight :)
>>>>>>> On 24/03/16 20:18, kendell clark wrote:
>>>>>>>> hi all
>>>>>>>> I've just gotten the new sonar mate settings desktop package. I'm
>>>>>>>> completely stumped though. When I boot our sonar live image, the
>>>>>>>> keyboard shortcuts are set to what they're supposed to do, but they
>>>>>>>> don't seem to work. I've set the sound theme to our sonar sound
>>>>>>>> theme,
>>>>>>>> but when I go into the sound settings to check, it still defaults
>>>>>>>> to no
>>>>>>>> sounds. When I press alt+control+t to launch a terminal, even
>>>>>>>> though I
>>>>>>>> set the default terminal app to be gnome terminal, I get an error
>>>>>>>> because mate thinks I have mate terminal set. Would someone mind
>>>>>>>> taking
>>>>>>>> a look at our gschema override? I'm not at all sure what to do
>>>>>>>> to fix
>>>>>>>> this. I'd like to have our sonar background be the background,
>>>>>>>> and it
>>>>>>>> seems to be set properly, but when I boot the mate image it's not,
>>>>>>>> it's
>>>>>>>> some other background. I need help.
>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>> Kendell Clark
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