[manjaro-dev] I need help with sonar mate profile

kendell clark coffeekingms at gmail.com
Fri Mar 11 11:43:10 CET 2016

Sorry to bug, but has anyone had a chance to look into this? I've been
working for two nights, and I haven't a clue what's going on. I tried
masking lightdm-plymouth, but the build scripts fail if you do because I
guess they configure it during the build process. I can't find a way to
work around this, so I'm stumped.
Kendell Clark

kendell clark wrote:
> hi all
> I'm just about to release what I fervently hope will be the final image
> for sonar 2016.03 mate. I've switched from gdm to lightdm because of
> user request, but I'm having some trouble. When I boot a built image,
> lightdm never starts. Running systemctl status lightdm gives the
> following error. Two services already allocated for the same service
> org.freedesktop.displayManager, refusing to start. I've never seen this
> before. The only thing I can possibly think might be wrong is a remnant
> of gdm is hanging around somewhere, but I've checked and gdm.service
> doesn't exist on the live image. I also can't find
> /etc/systemd/system/displaymanager.service in any of the overlays. I'm
> stumped. Would someone be willing to take a look and see if you can tell
> what's going on? I'm stumped. Once this is done, I can release the iamge
> assuming everything else works, which it should.
> Thanks
> Kendell Clark

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