[manjaro-dev] looking for help with lightdm gtk greeter

kendell clark coffeekingms at gmail.com
Thu Mar 10 05:37:28 CET 2016

hi All
I sent this to phil privately, but he indicated he'd be away from the
computer for a bit, I'm sending this to the dev list.
 Message below
==beginning of pasted message ===
Since releasing sonar 2016.03, there have been a lot of requests to
switch from gdm to lightdm for mate. I'm happy to do this, but there's a
problem. There's a bug in lightdm-gtk-greeter which causes it to hang
immediately when orca is launched, introduced in bzr revision 313. The
bug is located at,
https://bugs.launchpad.net/lightdm-gtk-greeter/+bug/1483864. Another
blind linux user, peter vagner, has created a patch which I'll attach to
this email which fixes the problem. No one from lightdm has accepted it
upstream, and I've verified that it does indeed work and fix the
problem. Would you be willing to add this to the lightdm-gtk-greeter
build process? I'm unsure how or I'd do it. Note that this is
"lightdm-gtk-greeter", not "lightdm-another-gtk-greeter", which isn't
accessible. I was also hoping you could prod the lightdm people along
towards accepting this patch, but I don't know if that's possible. I'm
also following the thus git repository and will test as soon as you have
a fix available for issue #48. Patch attached below. Thanks Kendell Clark

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