[manjaro-dev] manjaro-tools dependencies?

Simon Eigeldinger simon.eigeldinger at vol.at
Sat Feb 27 21:30:08 CET 2016


seems unstable also doesn't want to build.
same issue with sonar gnome edition.


Am 27.02.2016 um 20:35 schrieb Simon Eigeldinger:
> Hi Bernhard,
> Am 27.02.2016 um 20:32 schrieb Bernhard Landauer:
>> I just see that Kendell has updated the PKGBUILD of espeak a few days
>> ago and added a new dependency. I'll build a new version of this now. So
>> maybe you'll want to wait for the update in unstable anyway... ;)
>> Are you building against unstable, Simon?
> No at the moment i am building against stable.
> but i might have a play with unstable.
> greetings,
> simon

Simon Eigeldinger
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