[manjaro-dev] manjaro-tools dependencies?

Simon Eigeldinger simon.eigeldinger at vol.at
Sat Feb 27 18:23:30 CET 2016

Hi Phil,

Am 27.02.2016 um 18:11 schrieb Philip Müller:
> What do you mean by broken espeak package? I tested gnome profile couple
> of days ago without an issue. Please clear your cache and try again.

The cache is fine.
it is from this afternoon.
had reinstalled the whole system.

getting the following error on a 32 bit system:
Fehler: espeak: signature from "Bernhard Landauer <oberon at manjaro.org>" 
is invalid
:: Datei 
/var/cache/pacman/pkg/espeak-1.48.15.r459.gc0d7970-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz ist 
beschädigt (Ungültiges oder beschädigtes Paket (PGP-Signatur)).

thanks for your quick replies.

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