[manjaro-dev] Release timetable for 15.09

Jonathon Fernyhough jonathon at manjaro.org
Wed Sep 9 21:58:24 CEST 2015

Yup. I might take some design aspects from a couple, but there aren't
too many there that are print quality (and those that are don't
necessarily follow our branding).

On 09/09/15 20:55, Bernhard Landauer wrote:
> Jonathon, regarding the cover, are you aware of this thread?
> https://forum.manjaro.org/index.php?topic=10667.0
> Just to make sure ;)
> On 09/09/15 21:47, Jonathon Fernyhough wrote:
>> Alrighty - so 15.09 is on the horizon.
>> What's the timescale or timetable we're working to for this?
>> Just so I know when to set aside time for the beginner's guide. ;)
>> I think I'll also have to make some new cover art for the new release...
>> J

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