[manjaro-dev] BUG: Manjaro using a kernel more recent than 3.12 has no keyboard upon start of DE

Jonathon Fernyhough jonathon at manjaro.org
Sun Apr 5 12:40:48 CEST 2015

Hmm... interesting. I have Manjaro Xfce running on an Aspire 5650G with
kernel 3.19 and everything works just fine...

On 04/04/15 02:28, Koz Ross wrote:
> I am on an Acer Aspire 5560G, using Manjaro XFCE. As long as I keep my kernel at 3.12 or lower, everything works OK. However, if I upgrade my kernel (using the built-in graphical Manjaro tool), once I boot using it and get to the login screen, neither my keyboard nor my mouse respond *at all*.
> The only difference I can observe *during* the boot process is a message saying 'Unable to enable ACPI' very early in the boot process.
> I have searched high and low for a solution to this, and nothing appears to work. Figured you guys might like to know about this.
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