[manjaro-dev] GitLab 6.4 released

J Fernyhough j.fernyhough at gmail.com
Mon Jan 6 20:21:47 CET 2014

Hi all,

Not sure where best to send this...

GitLab 6.4.3 was released recently:

The update process is fairly straightforward (I've recently updated my
own instance): https://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlabhq/blob/6-4-stable/doc/update/6.3-to-6.4.md

It also works with Ruby 2.1 (for example if you use RVM).



Changelog: https://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlabhq/blob/master/CHANGELOG
v 6.4.0
  - Added sorting to project issues page (Jason Blanchard)
  - Assembla integration (Carlos Paramio)
  - Fixed another 500 error with submodules
  - UI: More compact issues page
  - Minimal password length increased to 8 symbols
  - Side-by-side diff view (Steven Thonus)
  - Internal projects (Jason Hollingsworth)
  - Allow removal of avatar (Drew Blessing)
  - Project web hooks now support issues and merge request events
  - Visiting project page while not logged in will redirect to sign-in
instead of 404 (Jason Hollingsworth)
  - Expire event cache on avatar creation/removal (Drew Blessing)
  - Archiving old projects (Steven Thonus)
  - Rails 4
  - Add time ago tooltips to show actual date/time
  - UI: Fixed UI for admin system hooks
  - Ruby script for easier GitLab upgrade
  - Do not remove Merge requests if fork project was removed
  - Improve sign-in/signup UX
  - Add resend confirmation link to sign-in page
  - Set noreply at HOSTNAME for reply_to field in all emails
  - Show GitLab API version on Admin#dashboard
  - API Cross-origin resource sharing
  - Show READMe link at project home page
  - Show repo size for projects in Admin area

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