[manjaro-dev] [0.8.8] Release Candidate 3

Philip Müller philm at manjaro.org
Sat Nov 16 14:26:01 CET 2013

Now I'm finally ready to build Manjaro 0.8.8-rc3.
All needed packages you can find in our testing-branch.
This install-media will again use our stable-repos.
Since update-pack 10 is still in testing those install medias
should been built with testing-branch. I'll move these updates
anyway later to stable. So:

- install manjaroiso 0.8.8rc3-1
- use either the provided profiles of this release or our master-branch
- before you build call: sudo pacman-mirrors -g -b testing

I expect to upload my final images this Sunday or Monday ...
Internal personal testings are welcome.


- manjaroiso is now more generic
- you can easier rebrand your install medias now, more later ...
- openbox profile got updated by Carl
- XFCE uses again our dark theme - Thx to Aceman!
- Thus got adopted to manjaroiso changes
- a lot more I don't remember now ...

kind regards


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