[manjaro-general] Manjaro Mate Edition 15.12 released

Manjaro Linux jonathon at manjaro.org
Sat Dec 26 01:00:00 CET 2015


Manjaro Mate-Desktop 1.12 released! After a month of testing, stable release comes finaly true!

Wat is changed in Mate-Desktop?

  * Fixes and improvements for GTK3 support across the entire MATE Desktop including GTK 3.18 support.
  * Touchpad support is significantly improved and now features multitouch and natural scrolling.
  * Multi monitor support has been improved so the display settings use output names and the revised UI lets you set the primary monitor.
  * The power applet now displays model and vendor information so you can distinguish between multiple battery powered devices.
  * Improved session management which now includes screensaver inhibition while playing media.
  * MATE now listens to the org.gnome.SessionManager namespace.
  * Extended systemd support.
  * Long standing bugs and many little usability paper-cuts were fixed.
  * For example, panel applets are no longer reordered when changing screen resolutions.
  * Translations updated and a number of components now retrieve strings directly from gschema (requires intltool 0.50.1).

More info [@ mate-desktop.com][2]

Further a month of developing manjaro worked hard on calamares and there manjaro-tools to have your enjoyment on a fresh & stable iso. We used the GTK2 version for this iso to rely on a stable mate desktop. Further the iso is improved with a own manjaro-mate-desktop-settings file to make the desktop stable in work out from start.

A short list of packages of Mate-Desktop 1.12

  * atril 1.12.1-2
  * caja 1.12.1-1
  * engrampa 1.12.0-1
  * eom 1.12.1-1
  * flashplugin
  * galculator-gtk2 2.1.4-1
  * hexchat 2.10.2-4
  * jre8-openjdk 8.u66-1
  * libreoffice-still 4.4.7-2
  * linux41 4.1.15-1
  * manjaro-artwork 1.0.8-2
  * manjaro-documentation 15.12-1
  * manjaro-settings-manager 0.4.13-1
  * mate-desktop 1.12.1-1
  * mate-disk-utility 1.8.0-1
  * mate-menu 5.6.6-2
  * mate-polkit 1.12.0-1
  * mathjax 2.5.3-1
  * moka-icon-theme-git 396.6fb7a64-1
  * network-manager-applet 1.0.8-1
  * networkmanager 1.0.8-1
  * pacman 4.2.1-4.1
  * pamac 2.4.3-3
  * plymouth-theme-manjaro-elegant 1.0.1-1
  * pulseaudio 7.1-3
  * systemd 228-3
  * thunderbird 38.4.0-2
  * vertex-icons-git r16.f27e47e-3
  * vertex-themes 20150923-1
  * vlc 2.2.1-11
  * xorg-server 1.17.4-2

Kind regards, Ringo de Kroon - Maintainer

* * *

## Links

  * [Download here][3]

   [1]: https://manjaro.github.io/images/manjaro-mate-15.12.jpg
   [2]: http://mate-desktop.com/blog/2015-11-05-mate-1-12-released/
   [3]: https://sourceforge.net/projects/manjarolinux/files/community/Cinnamon/2015.12/

URL: https://manjaro.github.io/Manjaro-Mate-15.12-released/

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