[manjaro-dev] update to the sonar release announcement

philm at manjaro.org philm at manjaro.org
Mon Mar 7 07:24:45 CET 2016

Hi Kendell,

since 'manjaro-tools' manages it to have Mate auto-started, it is more 
or less a bug in Thus, or did you use Calamares? We have to check how it 
happens and maybe change that behaviour. More or less it is not GDM 
related, rather a configuration issue in one of our install procedures. 
So tell me exactly how that happens and we might be able to fix it. It 
is also good to open a bug report on the matter so we can check. At 
least mention it on the development list as I'm not always around.

Am 2016-03-07 06:03, schrieb kendell clark:
> hi phil
> I've found a bug in our sonar iamge and have updated the release notes
> to mention it. I'm not sure if it's a bug or not, but we use gdm as our
> login manager, which depends on gnome shell. If you select "auto login"
> during install you're throne into gnome shell, but without gnome's
> control center installed to turn auto login off. I've updated the
> release notes to advise against using auto login until I can find
> another login manager that's accessible besides gdm. I'll attach the
> updated copy so you can send it to whoever is using the announcement.
> Thanks for all your help
> Kendell Clark

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