[manjaro-dev] having minor issues with sonar profile

kendell clark coffeekingms at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 11:22:29 CET 2016

hi all
I'm still in the process of squashing a few bugs before releasing new 
sonar images. I'm having two minor bugs to squash. On the desktop, the 
installer icons are labeled as "install manjaro" instead of "install 
sonar". This doesn't matter to me, but it could confuse a new user. 
There are also two icons, one for thus and one for calamares. I'd like 
to focus on calamares, but I won't remove the thus icon until calamares 
works. The other one is with the calamares icon. I can't get it to 
launch. I click on it, and the installer window never opens. If I go 
into a terminal and enter sudo /usr/bin/calamares, as the exec line in 
the desktop pfile /usr/share/applications/calamares.desktop does, I get 
prompted for a password. Once that is entered, the window opens but orca 
can't see it. It won't focus on it for installation. I'm almost certain 
this is not a bug in calamares because the one time I could focus on it 
it was quite accessible. I'm not sure how to fix these. The manjaro 
stuff in the icons isn't absolutely critical, more of a curiosity. We're 
not trying to hide the fact that we're basically a talking manjaro. The 
calamares bug isn't critical, but I'm not sure where to go from hear. 
Should there be a rule in /etc/sudoers.d to allow calamares to be 
launched without requiring a password? I'm not sure this can be done, 
but this would stop the pw being asked without a window opened to enter it.
Kendell clark

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