[manjaro-dev] [Manjaro Linux Support] Bug: os-prober does not find openSuse and Nutyx/LFS partitions

Philip Müller philm at manjaro.org
Sun Dec 29 16:46:56 CET 2013

Hi Peter,

my server admin is on vacation. He has it already on his todo list.

os-prober is 1:1 from Archlinux. I can check if there is any 
modification done by debian. So this issue has to be reported upstream 
at Archlinux.

Arch won't fix it: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=155298

So what you can do is:

1). create a text file in Suse/Nutyx: /etc/lsb-release

2). Put the following in it:

|DISTRIB_ID=<your distro id>
DISTRIB_RELEASE=|||<wanted release version to be displayed>|
DISTRIB_CODENAME=<distro codename>
DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="<distro discription>”|

3). Save that file.

Then run

sudo update-grub in Manjaro

Badabum: It should find it.

Am 29.12.2013 16:37, schrieb Peter Littmann:
> Hi Philip,
> thanks for your fast assistence.
> But this solution is not a real bugfix, it's just a circumvention, if 
> I may state this.
> By the way, why not using a bugtracking system, like bugzilla or 
> launchpad?
> This would help immense, I think, or not?
> kind regards
> Peter
> Am 29.12.2013 16:19, schrieb Philip Müller:
>> Hi Peter,
>> please check our wiki:
>> http://wiki.manjaro.org/index.php?title=Restore_the_GRUB_Bootloader#Arch_Linux_is_not_recognized 
>> It seems you don't have lsb-release package installed on your 
>> openSuse and Nutyx/LFS.
>> http://software.opensuse.org/package/lsb-release?search_term=lsb-release
>> kind regards
>> Phil
>> Am 29.12.2013 16:11, schrieb Peter Littmann:
>>> From: Peter Littmann <peter.littmann at gmx.de>
>>> Subject: Bug: os-prober does not find openSuse and Nutyx/LFS partitions
>>> Message Body:
>>> Please check your os-prober against that from debian or fedora 
>>> because yours doesn't find my openSuse(/dev/sda2) and 
>>> Nutyx/LFS(/dev/sda15) and please don't tell me the bug is upstream 
>>> when debian and fedora find them without a problem.
>>> -- 
>>> This mail is sent via contact form on Manjaro Linux http://manjaro.org

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